Article voiceover
Burning draft cards is old-fashioned, no need for pyro-protests when volunteers stoke the boiler's flame. Which burns even stronger now — The citizen fire brigade long extinguished. Money printers roll unthreatned, powered by this eternal flame, fueled by a sacrificial flock. But barbaric rituals no longer revolt — when lambs willingly walk into the pyre. With thanks, we pet their wool and wish them well. Without their offering, the gears will stop. The burning bleating eventually fades — As we sit silently and enjoy our meals in peace. And tonight the chef has prepared Shepherd's Pie — perfectly paired with an imported Chianti. Served traditionally — freshly minced, local lamb.
Many thanks to
for sharing an impromptu voice-over!
When the propaganda is strong, you don't need to use force
Excellent work, as always. It reminds me of William Blake’s “Answer to the Parson.”
“Why of the sheep do you not learn peace?
“Because I don’t want you to shear my fleece.”